The story begins 22 years ago when Julie Anderson, the founder of the company, started her journey into the amazing world of the brain. Starting with her studies in the field of psychoneuroimmunology, she began to grow her knowledge of all things pertaining to what she likes to call the brain personality connection and to improve your brain and physical health by managing your mindset. One of her favorite sayings is: “Your brain listens to what your mind is telling it, so be careful what you are saying.” In short, the message is, positive thoughts lead to positive health and positive effects on your life and business.
Over the years, Julie has expanded her knowledge by becoming a master researcher of brain scientists. In other words, she has researched, read, and compiled information from the field of neuroscience via books, reports, studies, and white papers that contained scientific information about the brain personality connection and general brain facts to help us live, learn, and succeed with greater ease.